Privacy Policy

  • 1. Definitions


For the purpose of this Privacy Policy, the following definitions will apply:

    • 1.1. “Account”: either Company Account or Individual Account.
  • 1.2. “Company Account:” a company member’s access to the platform, which allows the creation of single sub-profiles.
    • 1.3. “Buyers:” members who sign up to the platform to buy textiles and garments or users who maintain a profile under these accounts.
    • 1.4. “SourceEazy”: SourceEazy as a company.
    • 1.5. “Individual Account”: a single person’s access to the platform as a member.
    • 1.6. “Manufacturers”: members who manufacture textiles and garments or who maintain a profile under these accounts.
  • 1.7 “Member:” a person (buyer or manufacturer) who enters into a subscription agreement directly with SourceEazy.
  • 1.8. “Platform:” the platform provided by SourceEazy enables registered users to exchange information and connect with potential business partners.
  • 1.9. “Profile:” a sub-account under a company account for a single person providing access to the platform.
    • 1.10. “Registered User:” any member or person working for a member who has created their own profile.
  • 1.11. “RFQ:” a request for quotation on SourceEazy for pricing on products.



  • 2. Background and Scope of Privacy Policy


These listed terms will have the meaning assigned to them throughout this GTC document:

    • 2.1. SourceEazy operates the website, providing access to its members, who are manufacturers, brands, retailers and buyers.
  • 2.2. SourceEazy protects the privacy of all users and complies with all data protection regulations.
    • 2.3. The following privacy policy contains information about the processing of data of users during registration and any data processing that happens following registration.




  • 3. Processing of Data During Registration, Account/Profile Completion and Updates


      1. 3.1. When registering for services on SourceEazy, users should complete account/profile information. Information will be stored as follows:
      2. 3.2. Individual Account data includes: 1. Contact information (name, job title, gender, country of residence, phone number, email address, password, billing information, etc.) 2. Company information (name, website, minimum order, yearly revenue, number of employees, target audience, products, brands, etc.) 3. Additional profile information
      3. 3.3. Company Account data includes: name, job title, gender, country of residence, phone number, company name, email address, billing information, etc.
      4. 3.4. Individual Profile information includes: name, gender, job title, email address and possibly a profile picture.


  • 4. Visibility of Your Account/Profile Information and Activity on the Platform


      1. 4.1. SourceEazy works to provide a network and potential business contacts for users by providing both chat and follow functions, search functions, the ability for users to post RFQs and for manufacturers to view and answer to RFQs.
      2. 4.2. It is important that relevant information is provided with easy access for both buyers and manufacturers to quickly and efficiently exchange information.

        1. 4.2.1. Search of accounts and profiles: buyers and manufacturers cannot directly search for single profiles or names. They can only search for larger accounts. Single accounts can be accessed by searching for the overhead account and clicking on the desired specific profile.
        2. 4.2.2. Account/profile information: manufacturers can view the information provided by the buyer on their account. Manufacturers will be notified if any of this information is changed. Buyers can view any information provided by the manufacturer and will be notified if any of this information is changed.
        3. 4.2.3. RFQs: buyers can post RFQs which are visible to manufacturers who fulfill specified buyer needs. Manufacturers can contact buyers regarding these RFQs.
        4. 4.2.4. Search criteria: when buyers search for manufacturers, manufacturers are listed according to search criteria or matching algorithms. Manufacturers can see the buyer’s name and company and have the ability to contact said buyer under an individual account or profile.
        5. 4.3. Certain information provided by manufacturers on the platform may be available to non-members outside of the platform. This only includes the company name and scope of business and does not include the name of the manufacturer.
        6. 4.4. Certain information provided by the buyer may be available to manufacturers who are listed but not yet registered in SourceEazy. This allows SourceEazy to help buyers maximize their reach.


  • 5. Messages Concerning Use of Platform


      1. 5.1. To keep users informed and updated about the platform, SourceEazy may message users about these services. These messages may be delivered via email or on the platform.



  • 6. Newsletters


      1. 6.1. Members are automatically included in newsletters and mailing lists. Non-members can access the newsletters but need to sign up by providing SourceEazy with the necessary information. Newsletters are used to inform users about developments, updates, features, market information, etc.


  • 7. Processing of Data in Case of Communication Towards SourceEazy


      1. 7.1. SourceEazy’s website provides users the ability to contact us quickly and electronically. If users contact SourceEazy via email or our website, personal profile data is stored in order to process the request. This information will only be stored as long as it takes for SourceEazy to process the request.


  • 8. Web tracking


      1. 8.1. When users visit the website, SourceEazy collects the following data in the case of a crash or other malfunction of the website and sends it to an internal log file: anonymized IP address, browser information, computer information, network information. SourceEazy will only use this information in order to find or eliminate the errors keeping the website from proper operation.
      2. 8.2. SourceEazy collects website usage information by using cookies from third-party providers. Cookies are small text files stored on the user’s data storage platform. Cookies save certain settings and data exchanges via the browser. These help SourceEazy improve the website and offer more user-friendly services.
      3. 8.3. Cookies used by SourceEazy may save the following data: device’s IP address, device screen resolution, device type, location, language preferences, mouse movements and clicks, keyboard presses, referring URL and domain, web pages visited, date and time accessing certain website pages.
      4. 8.4. Users do have the option of changing their browser settings and NOT accepting the use of Cookies. However, this may result in malfunctions of the website and some of its features.
      5. 8.5. SourceEazy uses Google Analytics to analyze data from the user’s use of the platform, compile reports on website activity and internet usage. The user’s IP address will not be associated with any other data. Users may refuse the use of cookies, but this may prevent the full functionality of the site.
      6. 8.6. SourceEazy uses GoogleAds to place advertisements within Google’s “Display Network.” These advertisements are personalized for marketing purposes. Google and its partner’s process data and conversion tracking, which is relevant for displaying such advertisements. Google does not store or process data such as name and email address unless the user has permitted them to do so. SourceEazy uses GoogleAds to show advertisements to users who may be interested in them. Conversion tracking allows SourceEazy to improve the advertisement experience.
      7. 8.7. SourceEazy may also use UTM-referrer codes to the ads placed via GoogleAds. The codes allow us to see which advertisement led to the sign-up page. This information will enable SourceEazy to see which advertisements users found interesting, allowing us to improve our ads and website.
      8. 8.8. When users visit the website and log in as members, SourceEazy will collect the following information: login times and frequencies, number of messages sent and received, mouse activity, subpages visited.


  • 9. Obligations to Provide Data


      1. 9.1. In order to create an account or profile in SourceEazy, some data is required. This data is indicated with an asterisk on the registration form. Besides this data, users have no obligation to provide SourceEazy with any additional information.


  • 10. Users’ Rights Under the GDPR


      1. 10.1. Under the General Data Protection Regulation, users are entitled to the following: 1. Knowing which data SourceEazy processes and stores. SourceEazy can only answer this request if users allow us the information needed to process it, 2. Request the completion, correction, or deletion of specific data, 3. Receive data in a structured, standard, readable format, 4. Withdraw consent regarding the use of SourceEazy granted towards employer or principal by contacting them, 5. Deny SourceEazy the opportunity to process data.
      2. 10.2. Users have the right to file a complaint with data protection authorities.


  • 11. Information and Contact


      1. 11.1. Users can contact SourceEazy either by email at [email protected] or through our website at


SourceEazy is the first operating system designed to streamline every aspect of the promotional industry's supply chain. Sourcing, production, and distribution are all made simple through our automated technology.

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